Spot Training

Spot Training has it focus in providing consulting and training services in International Trade and Currency Exchange Controls, since 1987.

Spot Training’s Mission is: “Search and organize information in exchange controls and international trade providing products for in-company consulting and training programs to companies and financial institutions, as a tool for getting a competitive edge in profit or control enhancement as well as improving administrative management”.

Under Professor A.M. Nicoletti’s supervision (see résumé in “Team”), Spot Training has carried out over 600 training courses with over 11,000 participants. Among its customers are Central Bank of Brazil, Vale, Petrobras, Embratel, BNDES, Scania, Volvo, Coamo, Belgo Mineira, CSN and ANP.

Among others some companies which hired Spot Training consulting services are: Banco UBS Pactual, Banrisul and Dresser.

PeuC Consultoria e Participações S/C Ltda.

PeuC´s main focus is top management consulting, mainly CEOs and their right-hand assistants. Thus, it focuses on Corporate Governance, Strategy, Business Administration, Management of Results and Organizational Development.

Under Paulo Evaristo Urbani da Carvalhina’s supervision (see résumé in “Team”), PeuC has advised companies in a wide range of economic segments and with several types of capital origin (family national, public national, governmental and multinational).

It also works in management coaching supporting the number one person of the organization.

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